
Dental technology decorative image

Intraoral Technology

Many patients, especially younger patients, are very familiar with the latest technology and are more comfortable with the high-tech practice. Computers and TV screens are their primary method of information processing. Dr. Caron and Dr. Kenney utilize intraoral camera technology that helps enhance your understanding of your diagnosis. An intraoral camera is a very small camera. In some cases, an intraoral camera is just a few millimeters long. An intraoral camera allows our practice to view clear, precise images of your mouth, teeth, and gums in order for us to accurately make a diagnosis. With clear, defined, enlarged images, you see details that may be missed by standard mirror examinations. This can mean faster diagnosis with less chair-time for you!

Intraoral cameras also enable our practice to save your images in our office computer to provide a permanent record of treatments. These treatments can be printed for you, other specialists, and your lab or insurance companies.

Precision Dentistry

When you seek care at our office, you are assured that Dr. Caron and Dr. Kenney and their staff utilize the latest in technology to enhance the quality and fit for your dental care.

Dentistry is micro-surgery. Using a similar microscope that an ophthalmologist uses enables us to create dental restorations with incredibility precise fit and finish. You just can't fulfill that level of care with the naked eye.

In addition to allowing precise, close-up work, the microscope directs a beam of light directly on the teeth, minimizing glare to you.

For the most precise aspects of restorative procedures, we use electric handpieces. This results in extraordinarily precise interfaces between your tooth and your new restoration (crown, veneer, or filling). This will bring more comfort to you as well. With a more precise tool, there is less vibration and less noise!

Digital Imaging

Dr. Caron and Dr. Kenney choose carefully which and when radiographs are taken. There are many guidelines that we follow. Radiographs allow us to see everything we cannot see with our own eyes. Radiographs enable us to detect cavities in between your teeth, determine bone level, and health of bone. We can also examine the roots and nerves of teeth, diagnose lesions, such as cysts or tumors, as well as assess damage when trauma occurs. Dental radiographs are invaluable aids in diagnosing, treating, and maintaining dental health. Exposure time for dental radiographs is extremely minimal.

Doctors Caron and Kenney utilize digital imaging technologies within the office, including the iTero intraoral scanner. With digital imaging, exposure time is about 90 percent less when compared to traditional radiographs. Digital imaging can also help us retrieve valuable diagnostic information. We may be able to see cavities better. The advantages of digital imaging enable us to not only store patient images but also enables us to quickly transfer them to appropriate specialists or insurance companies.

Digital X-Ray

Digital x-rays offer more precision since we view the image on a computer monitor instead of holding up a 35mm film up to the light. Digital x-rays result in one-sixth of the radiation exposure to you.

CAD/CAM Dentistry

CAD/CAM stands for Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Milling (CAM). 3D images can be uploaded into special CAD software, allowing the dentist to evaluate the exact details of the appearance and function of the restoration.  This software can also help the patient to visualize the end result of the proposed restoration.

Once the design is finalized, the files are sent to the CAM system for fabrication of the restoration to the exact specifications of the design.  Use of CAD/CAM technology increases efficiency and accuracy, and can often reduce the overall number of patient visits needed.


The use of lasers in dentistry has brought about many great advancements. The use of lasers allows for procedures that are less painful, reduce the amount of tissue loss, and provide a reduction in bleeding. The use of a laser allows some procedures to be performed without the use of a drill or the need for a shot. Our practice uses lasers to improve your experience in our practice allowing us to provide technologically advanced care.

Soft Tissue Lasers

Soft tissue lasers are used for periodontal (gum) surgeries. These lasers are more efficient, cause less discomfort, promote a faster healing time, and decreased risk of infection, providing a better outcome.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Using Electronic Medical Records our practice is able to quickly and accurately access patient information in order to provide the utmost in patient care.  This helps to ensure patient confidentiality as well as reduce the need for paper.  Using a digital format allows for quick access to your information when needed for insurance records yet provides a secure filing system.

Computer Guided Dental Anesthesia

An injection device utilizing a computer delivers anesthesia to a single tooth rather a whole area. It delivers anesthetia to the patient with the precise dosage in the exact location needed, so patients won't have a numb tongue, lip or cheek and will be able to go back to work or a social event, able to speak and eat, without waiting for the anesthetic to fade away.

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer affects thousands of Americans yearly. We use the latest technology to detect changes in oral tissue consistencies and/or lesions. A specialized light is shined into the mouth to detect unhealthy tissue. Healthy tissue looks lighter under the light while spots of bad tissue appear dark. With early detection, cancer may be caught before it has time to spread, potentially saving lives.


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